Joyce Pallister-Bronsch
Ranch wife, historian, co-author
About Joyce Pallister-Bronsch
Joyce Pallister worked at the Calgary Stockyards during the 1960's for Paul and MacDonald, a commission firm buying and selling livestock. It was here she met and married Hank Pallister, a Brand Inspector, and their western way of life took them to Edmonton and then to Stettler for many years. Joyce owned and operated a health food store in Stettler for ten years, and they moved to High River in 1999. Joyce managed the gift shop at the Bar U Ranch National Historic Site for four years, and after Hank's death in 2005, she compiled his stories of early ranch history into a book entitled "Smoke From the Branding Fire".
Representing a pioneer family in the High River area, she is was an active volunteer and board member of the Museum of the Highwood, also a member of the High River Old Timers Association, and the Cowgirl Cattle Company. She has been a member of the Country Gospel Music Association, The Alberta Cowboy Poetry Association and past president of Aglow Canada, Nanton/High River Lighthouse.
Modeling had always been a dream in her life, and in May 2007 she participated in an International Modeling & Talent competition as a senior model, with 400 competitors from across Canada. She took second place in the 'TV Commercial' competition for writing and auditioning her own commercial, and continued to model part time afterwards.
From 2007 to 2012 Joyce developed and performed the impersonation of 'Minnie Pearl' at the request of her friend, Grace Jacobsen for the release of her CD "Country Music In the Sky", Poetic inspirations came in the wee hours of the morning and upon writing them down she realized it was God's way of taking her through the grieving process of her husband's death, as well as the death of her first grandchild and her father.
She remarried in 2009 to Edwin Bronsch, an irrigation farmer in the Tilley area. She no longer performs, but continues to actively sell Hank's books.

Senior model in the International Modeling & Talent competition in Toronto, 2007.

Honoree of the year 2011

Stampede interview with Shaw TV

Senior model in the International Modeling & Talent competition in Toronto, 2007.